Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What I learned this year
1. Let the people you love know everyday how important they are to you because you never know when you might not get that chance again, and you will forever regret all of the things you should have said. (I'm sorry, Mark)
2. When tragedy strikes, you really learn who your friends are and who really knows you, and who doesn't. (Thanks Nanc.)
3. Life sucks and it isn't fair. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and hope it comes out even.
4. Never put your pjs on to drive home after a race at 1:30 am and say "no one's going to see me anyway" because it's no fun to stand along side the interstate wearing your striped pajamas waiting for the Highway Patrol to get there because you crashed headfirst into the guardrail at 2 in the morning on Memorial Day. **and the officer will not believe that you haven't been drinking BECAUSE you are wearing pajamas*** (Cris and Bill, you were right, I should have stayed)
5. I am stronger than I think. There were times when I was sure that I couldn't survive one more minute, and there were times that I actually prayed for death, but those times passed and I am all the better for it. (Thanks Sandy)
6. I am not as strong as I think I am. There were times when I thought I could handle anything and all it took was one small thing to topple the house of cards. (thanks again Sandy)
7. Never underestimate the cleverness and determination of your pets. They will always surprise you. (Buddy, why do you get the ramen noodles?)
8. When the internet tells you that a trip is going to take 12 hours to drive and you think it will really only take 10 because you drive like the devil is chasing you, it will really take 15 or 16 hours to get there because the universe conspires against you. (Branson, MO- nuff said)
9. Always read the alcohol content on a bottle of wine you've never had before, especially if you have to work the next day. Trust me on this one, it will save you a terrible hangover. (Thanks, bottle of Terra White and your 13% alcohol content)
10. You can't make sense out of everything. Some things don't have a set of instructions, or someone to tell you how to handle it. You just have to wing it and find your own way to get through it.(thanks Weesa)
11. The people who work at the house depot place don't belive a woman can purchase a riding lawn mower by herself. I showed them, didn't I?
12. Cigarettes, coffee and alcohol is a very BAD diet. (thanks Maxwell House, Camel lights and Cafe Zinfandel)
13. Don't assume that you know what is best for you. You aren't always right. (I admit, I'm not always right)
14. You don't always have to be strong and capable. Sometimes you need to be vulnerable and let someone take care of you. (thanks Shawn)
15. Something that seems like a very simple act is actually one of the kindest, most caring things that someone can do for you. (thanks for feeding me macaroni and cheese.)
16. When you wake up in the morning after consuming copious amounts of Ketel One & Grey Goose and you think you feel fine, you don't. Really, you don't Go back to bed and sleep for at least 6 more hours. AND, being near any kind of breakfast food the same morning is a VERY. BAD. IDEA. (thanks everyone at the hotel bar in Cleveland. I hope you felt as bad as I did the next day)
Always, undeniably, LOVE WINS (thanks Pastor Ryan and all my friends and family)
I hope you have a safe and happy new year and that life brings you many valuable lessons in 2009.
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Gift of Re-Gifting
My sister L interpreted "no gifts" to mean something different. In her mind, no gifts meant it was OK as long as she didn't spend any money on the item. I know you might be imagining some sort of lovely hand made, heartfelt gift. Not a chance. No, my sister took all of the things that she had been given as gifts that she didn't want or need and re-gifted them to all of us. The cherry on top was when she said "this is all the junk I don't want". It was one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. My other sister laughed unil she had tears in her eyes.
It was truly a lesson in one man's trash is another man's treasure because we swapped and traded and in the end everyone got something they wanted and L got rid of her junk. I asked "What is next year's theme - Yard Sale?" I meant it as a joke but the idea has taken off. So it looks like I'll be scouring all of the garage sales and flea markets looking for that one perfect item that screams "Merry Christmas!"
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I love this game!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Questions no one asks me.
1. What do you do unwind?
First of all, no one asks this question because they know I don't have time to unwind.
If I had free time I would make a pot of coffee or some tea, or maybe even open a bottle of wine, get a good book, bake some cookies and get into a luxurious bubble bath with music playing and shut out the world.
2. Why do you have 5 jobs?
I had 3 jobs before my husband died and took on the 4th one as a result of his death. (I took over his position as township clerk) Then I quit one of the first three jobs. Then this spring I was asked to develop a set of training classes and the money was to good to turn down. It was so successful that I decided to teach another series of classes for the same company. Right now, I'm back at 3 jobs for the time being but 2 are full time plus. I like to keep busy and I like to help people learn and having so many jobs does that, and then some.
3. Why don't you like to eat shrimp?
It looks like intestines. I just can't get past the way it looks. Yuck!
4. How many colors has your hair been?
All of them. I can't even remember what the natural color is, ut I can tell you that I've got more grey than I used to.
5. If you were given $100 with the instructions to spend it frivolously on yourself, what would you spend it on?
A pedicure and a massage and if anything was left over, some tea or coffee.
6. How many tattoos do you have?
Currently, six. I'd like to have more.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Me. Want. COOKIES!

I like to bake cookies for my kids and send them to them in the mail and this is the recipe I like to use. I don't frost them though, the icing gets too smoshed. Just sprinkles. sometimes I put in a can of store bought frosting so they can decorate them themselves.
What is your favorite cookie?
2 cups butter or margarine, softened
1 pkg. (8 ozs) cream cheese, softened
2 cups sugar
2 egg yolks
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
In a mixing bowl, cream butter and cream cheese until light and fluffy. Add sugar, egg yolks and vanilla; mix well. Gradually add flour. Cover and chill 2 hours or until firm.Roll out on a floured surface to 1/4 in.thickness. Cut into 3-in. shapes; place 1 in. apart on greased baking sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until set (not browned). Cool 5 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool. YIELD: about 7 dozen.
(that graphic is a book cover for FOOD! illustrated by Mike Pantuso. You can find it on if you like)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hello, My name is Pip and I'm a caffeine addict.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
In a mood
This mood started last night when I had to go pick up something I ordered for Christmas. I drove 40 miles one way and when I got there the stupid place was closed. So then I decided to do a little bit of shopping. That seems like a harmless enough thing to do, doesn't it? Well, apparently I was the only person in the place who thought so! It was rudeness the likes of which I have never seen. I didn't encounter one singe smiling person. NOT ONE! Everyone looked tired and rushed.
It continued this morning when I was so busy at work I didn't know if I was coming or going. And now it is being perpetuated by some business dealings I have with the bank. Grr!
I've heard it said that you become like the 5 people you are around the most. I sure hope that my foul attitude doesn't rub off on anyone else today.
So, I've issued myself a challenge or an ultimatum, what ever you want to call it. I am going to find a way to be in a better mood.
What do you do to put yourself in a better mood?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Burning Questions
My gram's funeral was Friday and I'm longing to know the answer to this question: Why do people bring food when someone dies? I think this practice is akin to religion inthe south. They even have casseroles named for it! Who hasn't eaten Funeral Potatoes at least once in their life? (And if you haven't you are missing out on one of the most delicious calorie and fat laden foods on earth)
Why does the number of socks you put INTO the washer never match what you take OUT of thw washer, and where do all those socks go? I have a basket full of sock solos. You would think at some point there would be 2 that match. No dice.
Why does my dog insist on dragging 1 package of Ramen noodles out of the pantry every day? he doesn't eat them, he just gets the package out and takes it into the living room and puts it on the floor. And while we are on the subject of my dog, why does he keep gettting into the drawer where I keep recipes? I'm worried that he might be trying to teach himself how to cook. If that happens bar the door Katie, we are all in trouble!
Where does the tape disappear to every time I'm wrapping presents. I start out the gift wrapping process all organized and stuff, with my tape and my scissors and my ribbons and name tages, but before I'm even done with the first package, everything has disappeared and I have to stop mid wrap to find it all again. Gremlins, I swear it's gremlins.
Please, help me figure it all out before I lose my mind. And if I do lose my mind, it will probably be with the tape and the socks.
Got any burning questions you want to put out there to the internet?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wish in one know the rest
Ryan asked his readers to finish this sentence: "I wish I had..." I found some of the responses to be quite profound and moving. SO, I am shamelessly blog lifting his post and asking you to finish the same question. (Sorry Ryan. Hope you don't mind. )
I wish I had more hours in a day or less to do so that I cold stop feeling like a hamster running on a wheel all the time.
What do you wish you had?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I've Got the Music IN me!
My taste in music has changed as I've gotten older, but only a little. Just a year and a half ago I attended a Styx/Def Leppard concert and I still like to listen to Skid Row. Country music never crossed my woofers and tweeters but now I like to watch CMT in the mornings before I go to work and can I even say enough about Roll With Me by Montgomery Gentry? I'll even admit that it was the words in a Sugarland song that made me change my mind about dating my Sweetie. (Never waste another day wondering what you threw away...Don't Want To)
I have an eclectic mix of CDs in my car right now. The ones I listen to the most are
Bob Marley's Legend and something from John "Cougar" Mellencamp and any one of the 3 Sugarland CDs I own. But right now, on this cold snowy day in Ohio, I am thoroughly enjoying my latest music purchase. It is James Taylor at Christmas. If you like your traditional Christmas Carols kicked up a notch, and blended with some smooth easy jazzy music, this is the CD for you. It even has River on it, which not a lot of holiday CDs have. Natalie Cole sings Baby Its Cold Outside with Sweet Baby james and I have to say, it's probably my all time favorite version of that song. It's stuck in my head this very minute.
But the whole reason I bought this CD is because it has The Christmas Song on it and that is my all time very favorite-ist Christmas song ever (even though I much prefer the Nat King Cole version better) My favorite lyric in the whole song is this:
Monday, December 1, 2008
Black Friday + Cyber Monday = RUDE
This year I waited until later in the morning to go shopping because I craved sleep more than I craved a good deal. I was shocked at the level of rudeness displayed by the other shoppers. In all my yars of BF shopping, I've never seen people so blatantly rude. I ran into a friend at one store and she said that one place she had been the people were so rude that she left her cart full of "stuff" in the middle of the store and went home.
I told my Sweetie about this strange phenomena when I got home and he had an intersting take on it. He said "Of course they were rude. Everyone is p'd off because they're broke and can't afford to buy Christmas presents but they still have to be out shopping and spending money."
I'm not sure if that really is the reason or not but it sounded good. It made me think of a Christmas letter my parents received from friends in TX many years ago. It said "Christmas is a strange time of year. We decorate a dead tree, and stuff our socks full of candy and we spend money we don't have buying gifts for people we don't like"
So, did you go BF shopping and did you think the other shoppers were more rude than normal? Why do you think that is?