Sometimes the simplest things bring me great joy. Like these photos. They have no rhyme or reason behind them at all. They just make me smile every time I look at them.
Photo # 1
The photo up above was taken last August at a Columbus Clippers baseball game. (Hence, all the peanut carnage) Sweetie's daughter and I painted our toe nails matching blue. We also have on matching ankle bracelets. They were cool. Black metal coiled springs. It was a great day. The kidlets had never been to a baseball game before. Afterwards, the fans were allowed to run the bases. Girl Kidlet and I had to take off our shoes to run because they kept falling off. We held hands and ran those bases for all we were worth. The dirt was very cold, which I thought was strange. Boy kidlet was "too cool" to hold hands with us, so he went ahead of us. He said we were slow.
This photo on the right was taken the day of my nephew's wedding, July 12, 2008. What makes that day stand out is that it was my wedding anniversary, and my husband was supposed to be the best man. When he died, nephew and his then fiancee asked if they should change their date. I said absolutely NOT. Let it be a day filled with happiness and joy. It was.
A lot of eyes were on me that day, to see if I was going to break down. I had my moment while we were getting ready and decorating everything. You see, Sweetie and I had been dating for not quite 2 weeks. He knew my story and told me that I did not need to be alone that day and came to the wedding with me. While we were decorating, church bells started ringing. For what ever reason, I was very affected by the sound. It was the saddest thing I had ever heard. I stood there and bawled my eyes out for a good 20 minutes and Sweetie, bless his heart, just stood there and held me and stroked my hair and said these words :"Cry all you need to. Let it out. I'm right here with you." It hurt him that I was hurting and he wanted to make it better, but he knew that it was something I had to feel...something I had to go through. I think it was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for me.
Enough of being melancholy...back to the fun stuff!
A lot goes on at weddings and it is easy to forget the details. This is what I clearly remember about that day:
It was HOT. Too hot for a fat girl in a bullet proof bra and chiffon.
It rained, which made it humid.
My shoes were dyed purple to match my dress, which was beautiful, BTW, and when we had to walk through puddles (the wedding was in a park) my toes turned purple from the dye.
The cupcakes were AWESOME!
The bride was beautiful.
And I clearly remember thinking, as they said their vows to each other : "Please don't ever let them take one minute with each other for granted"
You have long toes!
I know!
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