I've been careless with a delicate man. Oh sorry, I was channeling Fiona Apple for a second.
My life has been so hectic that I've neglected my blog. Internet, you have my sincerest apologies. Please, take me back.
Lets see, where to start? Begin at the beginning!
I've lost 15 lbs. Woo Hoo! I'm still in weight denial and am afraid to try on my wedding dress. I'm hoping and praying that it does.
Sweetie now has his driver's permit and is taking his test this very afternoon. Niece has hers, and so does Sweetie's son. So y'all better watch out on the roads! Just kidding. they are all good drivers.
Sweeties's mama had surgery to remove melanoma. She is doing just fine now.
The room additions are coming along. We bought drywall and flooring.
I started tax class again. I'm rusty!
Woodpeckers destroyed my porch beams. I'll try to remember to post a picture of the damage soon.
We had to change the location of our wedding reception due to concerns of being too crowded.
Kids are done with summer ball and waiting for school to start.
I think that about sums it up.
So tell me, what's going on with you?
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